uturn Portfolio by spark
Medical Device, Software Design
Product Design as a service, UX, UI

FDA clears first fully autonomous AI for portable diabetic retinopathy screening

AEYE Health's clearance enables global prevention of the leading cause of blindness in the working age population by making screening accessible anywhere

Spark partnered with AEYE Health, a pioneering company in AI retinal imaging and diagnostics, to design a user-friendly interface for their groundbreaking AI-powered diabetic retinopathy screening system.

At Spark Design Agency, we excel in creating intuitive, user-centric designs that transform complex technologies into accessible, actionable solutions. Our collaboration with AEYE Health underscores our ability to deliver innovative products swiftly, having completed this project within three months.

We used a dark design theme to highligh the retinal scans beauty

Uturn website hero image

Underdsanding the client needs

We began by thoroughly understanding AEYE Health's mission to provide accessible diabetic retinopathy screening. This involved analyzing their need for a seamless, portable solution that could be used in diverse settings, from clinics to at-home care.

Mobile web design
Mobile web design

Collaborative Design Process:

Our team of UX/UI designers worked closely with AEYE Health, ensuring every design decision supported their business goals. We employed iterative design sprints to incorporate feedback and make necessary adjustments swiftly.

We leveraged fast prototyping to facilitate user testing before coding ultimately leading to the development of an FDA approved system.